August 13, 2009

good stress


A “good” stress or eustres, is the pressure that is capable of making someone to act, not apathetic. A stress changed to the attractive challenges.
A study in the UK, to test this. A group of people offered to do the complex math of 120 questions. If they answer correctly, they will immediately be given the prize money, otherwise they must pay a fine if any.

The result is that they are able to create a good stress, bring home the money. They were able to control themselves and not the stress of pressure, but it is a attractive challenge.
Such as when we try to finish a game. Found that the hormone kortisol rate, stress hormones, in themselves, low measure, therefore, they can control themselves.

Self control is very important in life. Work hard, may make us feel tired and weak so that eventually surrendered.
With self-control excercise, we can improve our performance. Remember, it is not pressure stress, but the attractive challenge.

Discard far away your failure mind. Try the best and enjoy the stress, do not be afraid. Follow the feeling when you try to complete your favourite game. Think positive and reach your achievement.

LA ZZIDO motivation tricks

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