August 06, 2009


(Tim Berners LEE: The World Wide Web) LA ZZIDO
( "It's only a program") motivation tricks

Internet nowadays is a major media and even the part that is almost never separated from the life of the community, not just communication, but also change the lifestyle of the world community. One form of technology that render a finding is Tim Berners Lee.

However, as people who have found a technology which is very important, and changing the face of the world, his attitude is not like the publication, and on the web, only a brief commentary. "That is not it just the program."

Indeed, the fundamental team does not create the Internet from zero, but he created the internet can be used widely as at present. Tim is not selfish, he would liberate all the people developing the technology web.

Achieve a simple goal with extraordinary still remain outstanding .. Tim Berners Lee is the person who has created an exceptional case. But he can still maintain himself to remain simple and humble. That's what makes it extraordinary!

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